Particle arguments

A particle argument suggesting a list of Minecraft particle effects

The ParticleArgument class represents Minecraft particles. This is casted to the CommandAPI's ParticleData class.

The ParticleData class

The ParticleData class is a record that contains two values:

  • Particle particle, which is the Bukkit enum Particle representation of what particle was provided
  • T data, which represents any additional particle data which was provided.
public record ParticleData<T>(Particle particle, T data);

The T data can be used in Bukkit's World.spawnParticle(Particle particle, Location location, int count, T data) method.

Particle data

Particle data depends on your version of Minecraft. In 1.20.5, Minecraft and Spigot updated their particle API and they are no longer compatible with each other. Information about how the CommandAPI uses particle data can be found using the links below: